Feb 18, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Catalog

College Records Policies

Student Address of Record

The college sends official communications to the addresses students provide to campus Admissions and Enrollment Services, or to student VCCS/TCC e-mail accounts. To make address changes, students must complete and submit Student Data Change forms to a campus Admissions and Enrollment Services Office or may make the change through the college’s Student Information System (SIS).

Final Grade Reports

Final grades for each semester or term become a part of students’ permanent records and are recorded on official transcripts. Grade reports are available to students via the college’s website (tcc.edu) through the Student Information System (SIS).

Transcripts and Certifications

Transcripts are copies of students’ permanent academic records. To receive personal copies of their transcripts or to send official copies of their transcripts elsewhere, students must submit requests online. Transcripts sent to educational institutions or agencies must be official and bear the college seal. Generally, transcripts given or mailed directly to students are not considered official. Visit tcc.edu, search keyword: transcripts, for options for requesting official transcripts or for instructions on printing an unofficial transcript from the Student Information System (SIS).

Certifications are letters or forms verifying student enrollment status for health and auto insurance companies, military IDs, scholarships, job applications, promotion packages, etc. These requests normally take seven to fourteen working days or longer to process during heavy registration periods or grade processing times. Students must settle all financial obligations with the college before transcripts will be released. Contact the campus Admissions and Enrollment Services Office to request certifications.

Students must present picture IDs to pick up transcripts or certifications. Third parties may pick up transcripts or certifications, but only if students have provided the college written permission, dated and signed by the students, to release documents to specific individuals. The specified individuals must present their picture IDs.

Contact campus Admissions and Enrollment Services for information and assistance with transcripts and certifications.

Hold on Records

Students whose records are put on hold will not be permitted to register, nor will the college issue certificates or degrees to students until all their financial obligations to the college have been settled.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. TCC’s policy governing student rights to access, challenge the accuracy of, or request release of the education record and grades is provided within the Student Handbook and on TCC’s website at tcc.edu, search keyword: FERPA.

Student Records Retention Policy

Transcripts are official documents of student academic history and are used for record reconciliation. All other student documents are subject to disposal by the college in accordance with state policy.

Weapons and Firearms

Possession or carrying of any weapon by any person, except a law-enforcement officer, is prohibited on college property in academic buildings, administrative office buildings, student centers, child care centers, dining facilities, and places of like kind where people congregate, or while attending any sporting, entertainment or educational events.

Any individual in violation of this prohibition shall be directed to remove the weapon immediately. Failure to comply may result in a student conduct referral, an employee disciplinary action, or arrest.

These prohibitions shall not apply to current sworn and certified local, state and federal law-enforcement officers with proper identification. Additionally, the college has authorized the armed guards of the armored transport company that services the college’s business offices to carry their weapons while performing their contracted responsibilities.

The college’s Policy 1101 (Weapons) is available online.