Program Footnotes
1 Students may substitute SDV 101 for SDV 100.
2 Students should take MTH 154 or MTH 161 .
3 Students may selectr from BIO 102 , BIO 141 , BIO 142 or BIO 150 . Students should consult with an academic advisor or counselor to choose the appropriate course(s) based on their intnded transfer institution.
4 Students may select one of the following humanities to meet this requirement: ART 100 , ART 101 , ART 102 , CST 130 , CST 151 , MUS 121 , MUS 221 , MUS 222 , ENG 125 , ENG 211 , ENG 212 , ENG 225 , ENG 245 , ENG 246 , ENG 255 , ENG 258 , ENG 275 . Students shold consult with an academic advisor or counelor to choose the appropriate course based on their intended transfer institution.
5 Students may select from HIS 101 , HIS 102 , HIS 111 , HIS 112 , HIS 121 , HIS 122
6 Students may select from one of the following math or lab science courses: BIO 102 , BIO 141 , BIO 142 , BIO 150 , CHM 241 and CHM 245 , MTH 162 , MTH 261 or PHY 241 . Students should consult with an academic advisor or counselor to choose the appropriate course based on their inteded transfer institution.