Academic Calendar
Click here for the academic calendar.
To take courses at TCC, students may register in a variety of ways:
- online, using the Student Information System (,
- in person at any campus or off-campus enrollment site, or
- by mail or fax. Send a completed enrollment worksheet to the Admissions and Enrollment office.
Currently enrolled students in good academic and financial standing at the college should consult counselors or academic advisors prior to the enrollment period to determine which classes to take.
Students with academic blocks on their records due to academic suspension or dismissal may not register until granted readmission. Students with administrative blocks on their records - holds resulting from unpaid library charges, financial aid overpayments, or other student debts to the college - may not register until their balances are paid and their records are cleared.
Students are encouraged to enroll prior to the first day of classes. Students who add classes or register after the first day of classes are counted absent from class meetings missed as a result of late registration.
Complete enrollment procedures are outlined on the TCC website, and assistance is available on each campus in the Admissions and Enrollment Services Office. For additional information, visit TCC’s website at or email
Course Requisites
Prerequisites are courses or other requirements that must be successfully completed prior to enrollment in other courses. Co-requisites are courses or other requirements that must be taken simultaneously with other courses, unless the co-requisites were completed previously. Requisites are listed in the course description section of this catalog, and may include developmental courses identified through placement. The college’s Student Information System (SIS) may block students from registering for courses if the requisites have not been met. Students who believe they have satisfied requisites, but are blocked from registering should consult counselors or academic advisors for assistance, or complete and submit an online Request a Pre-requisite Waiver form. The college reserves the right to withdraw students from courses in which they have enrolled without successfully completing the appropriate requisites.
Academic Load
The full-time course load is 12 to 18 credit hours. Students should consult counselors or academic advisors to plan academic loads that will be compatible with their work schedules, family responsibilities, health, and other obligations. As a rule, one credit hour of coursework requires at least two hours of study outside of class each week.
Students who wish to take more than 18 credit hours of course work in a session must obtain the approval of the Student Affairs Dean of Retention.
Students who are on academic warning or academic probation should meet with counselors or academic advisors and may be required to take reduced course loads for the next semester.
Minimum Enrollment Requirement
Each course is offered on the condition of adequate enrollment. The college reserves the right to cancel or discontinue any course offered, either because of inadequate enrollment or for any other reason deemed appropriate by the college. Students enrolled in courses that are cancelled or discontinued are notified via school email.
Auditing Courses
To audit courses (attend classes without taking examinations or receiving credits), students must obtain permission from the appropriate academic deans or designees on the campuses where the courses are taught. Students must then register and pay full tuition.
To change the status of courses from audit to credit, or from credit to audit, students must complete the changes by the deadline to add courses during the term’s regular session (i.e.15-week sessions in the fall and spring semesters and 10-week session during the summer term).
Audited courses do not carry credits and are not counted as part of the academic load when full-time or part-time status is reported to the Financial Aid Office or to external parties such as the Social Security Administration, an employer, health insurance carrier, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, or the Department of Veterans Affairs. Advanced standing credit will not be awarded for audited courses.
Change of Registration
Students must follow established procedures for making any changes to their course schedules or curricula. Changes are not official until students complete all required procedures online, in person, or by providing written permission to a representative authorized to act on their behalf. To prevent problems with permanent college records, financial aid status, or veterans’ benefits, students are encouraged to consult counselors or academic advisors before making changes to their enrollment.
Types of Changes
The deadlines for adding and dropping courses and withdrawing without academic penalty from courses are published every semester in the college’s academic calendar. Adding means enrolling in new courses during the published add/drop period. Students may need special permission from academic deans or designees to add courses after the first class meetings.
Dropping means officially canceling registration for courses on or before the last drop date that allows for tuition refunds. Enrollment in dropped courses will not appear on academic records, and students will not receive grades for the dropped courses.
Contact Admission and Enrollment Services for the last date to withdraw from dynamic courses (courses which are shorter than the 15-week session during fall and spring or the 10-week session in the summer).
Course Withdrawal
Withdrawing from courses means students officially leave courses after the refund period. Students may withdraw from courses without academic penalty after the last day to drop for tuition refunds and during the first 60 percent of a session and receive grades of W (withdrawal). This grade will be reflected on students’ permanent records. The last day to withdraw without academic penalty is published in TCC’s academic calendar. Dynamic session classes have unique withdrawal dates. Contact Admissions and Enrollment Services for the last day to withdraw. After the last day to withdraw without academic penalty, students will receive failing grades of F or U if they withdraw or are administratively withdrawn from courses. The college reserves the right to withdraw students for just cause.
Exceptions to this policy may be made if all of the following conditions are met:
- Instructors initiate withdrawals approved by academic deans.
- Students are able to document mitigating circumstances.
- Students were making satisfactory progress in the courses.
Students should not stop attending college without officially withdrawing from all classes. Failure to properly withdraw from the college may result in the assignment of F or U grades to the permanent records. Students should meet with counselors or academic advisors to consider options before withdrawing from courses.
Effective Date of Official College and Course Withdrawal
When students withdraw from classes or from the college, the official withdrawal date is the date on which the request is processed by the college, not the date of the last class attended or last date of participation for online courses, unless the two dates are the same. If students are administratively withdrawn from courses, the official withdrawal date is the last day the students attended or participated in class, as reported by the instructors.
Tuition and Fees
Click here for the tuition and fee rates.