Students are considered to be “in good academic standing” if they do not fall under one of the below categories.
Academic Warning
Students who fail to attain minimum GPAs of 2.00 for any semester shall be placed on academic warning. Students on academic warning should consult with counselors or academic advisors and take advantage of academic support services provided by the college.
Academic Probation
Students who fail to maintain cumulative GPAs of 1.50 after attempting 12 or more semester credits shall be on academic probation until their cumulative averages are 1.75 or better.
The statement “Academic Probation” will appear on the students’ permanent records. Students on academic probation are ineligible for appointive or elective offices in student organizations unless special permission is granted by the Campus Dean. Students must consult counselors or academic advisors before registering and usually are required to carry reduced course loads the next semester.
Note: Although cumulative GPAs between 1.5 and 1.99 may not result in formal academic probation, students must earn a minimum of 2.0 in their curricula to receive associate degrees or certificates.
Academic Suspension
Students on academic probation who fail to earn minimum semester GPAs of 1.50 shall be placed on suspension only after they have attempted 24 or more semester credits.
The statement “Academic Suspension” will appear on the students’ permanent records. Academic suspension shall be for one semester. Suspended students may appeal and be reinstated at the conclusion of the suspension period by submitting Applications for Readmission, available online or from campus Counseling/Advising offices. Readmission applications should be submitted to Advising and Counseling for review.
Following reinstatement after academic suspension, students must earn minimum GPAS of 2.00 for the semester in which they return, and minimum GPAs of 1.75 in all subsequent semesters for which they are enrolled. The statement “Subject to Dismissal” shall be placed on students’ permanent records. Students who have been reinstated from academic suspension will remain subject to dismissal until their cumulative GPAs are raised to a minimum of 1.75. Reinstated students may be required to carry reduced course loads the following semester and are required to consult with counselors or academic advisors.
Students using federal or state education benefits are no longer certified for benefits if they are academically suspended or dismissed from TCC.
Students using benefits must follow the procedures for being re-admitted to the college and meet the GPA requirements each semester until the student is in “good academic standing”.
Academic Dismissal
Students who do not attain at least 2.00 GPAs for the semester of reinstatement following academic suspension shall be academically dismissed. Students who achieve at least 2.00 GPAs for the semester of their reinstatement following academic suspension must earn at least 1.75 GPAs in all subsequent semesters of enrollment. Failure to attain 1.75 GPAs in each subsequent semester until the cumulative GPAs reach 1.75 shall result in academic dismissal.
The statement “Academic Dismissal” will appear on the permanent records of students. Academic dismissal is normally permanent. In exceptional circumstances, students may appeal and be reinstated by submitting Applications for Readmission available online or from campus Counseling/Advising offices. Readmission applications should be submitted to Advising and Counseling for review. Students who have been reinstated after academic dismissal will remain subject to dismissal until their cumulative GPAs are raised to a minimum of 1.75. Reinstated students may be required to carry reduced course loads the following semester and are required to consult with counselors or academic advisors.
Academic Renewal Policy
Students who return to the college after a separation of five years or more (i.e., 60 months or greater) may petition for academic renewal by submitting Academic Renewal Petition Forms to Enrollment Services.
If students meet eligibility requirements for academic renewal, D and F grades earned prior to re-enrollment are not calculated into the cumulative and curricula GPAs, subject to the following conditions:
- Prior to petitioning for academic renewal, students must demonstrate renewed academic interest and effort by earning at least 2.5 GPAs in the first 12 semester hours completed after re-enrollment.
- All grades received at the college will remain a part of the students’ permanent records.
- Students will receive degree credits only for courses in which grades of C or better were earned prior to academic renewal, providing that such courses meet current curricula requirements.
- Total hours for graduation will be based on all course work taken at the college after readmission, as well as former course work for which grades of C or better were earned and credits transferred from other colleges or universities.
- Students may use the academic renewal policy only once, and it cannot be revoked once approved. The notice “Academic Renewal has been granted” and the effective dates will appear on official transcripts.